Being aware of the possible risks in your region is the first step toward preparing for any possible disaster with the potential to cause a short term or long term disruption to you, your family and your animals.
Horses do not judge, but rather, offer the unconditional emotional support and physical stature that delivers so much to our deserving veterans and this program is our way of saying thank you to the horse.
In this webinar, Dr. Anderson will delve into considerations for behavioral medications in horses with stereotypies, anxiety, aggression, sleep deprivation, and other conditions.
Chris’ knowledge, wisdom, insights, and engaging style help to illuminate the true depths of awareness for change that horses need to see from humans.
Use of ATVs, tractors, and other farm equipment may lead to accidents on icy, slippery, snowy terrain, and humans and horses face many additional challenges under winter conditions.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, most barn fires are related to heating equipment and occur during the month of January.
Making a good match between buyers or adopters and recently-retired Thoroughbreds is a critical step in ensuring the best outcome for all parties, especially the horse.
It was a thrill and an immense honor to know they had chosen my saddle design… I’ve known for months that the saddles would be used for Jimmy Carter’s state funeral, but it still seemed surreal watching it
The disaster recovery process focuses on restoring normalcy to those impacted by a disaster and without a doubt, it helps horses and other equines who require temporary shelter, feed and hay.
Through learning how horses perceive the world around them, their human handlers can develop safe best practices for working with them,