Hobble training your horse will teach him patience, will teach him to give to pressure, will teach him not to panic if his legs are trapped, and it comes in …
Recent estimates put owning a horse at around $10,000 a year. This includes basic care costs associated with vaccinations, deworming, hoof care, nutrition and …
Veterinarians follow a specific process when attempting to diagnose a lameness. Identifying the source of the lameness can be very difficult, and without …
5 things that you can do to help your lame horse. This article gives you basic information about how your farrier can help you and also when to call the equine …
If you work with horses routinely, you need to learn to tie the following knots: slip knot, bowline, square knot, clove hitch and the half hitch.
Judging a horse's conformation takes careful study and knowledge of horse anatomy. Because of their importance to the performance and soundness of a horse, the …
Lower-cost grain mixes formulated for "all-stock" are at best a compromise when fed to horses. Dr. Getty notes the issues with these all-purpose feeds that the …
Careful attention to the health of the mare should be a priority before breeding takes place, during the pregnancy, and following parturition. Good nutrition, …
Veterinarians prescribe bute for a number of conditions. Horse owners should be aware of possible side effects from this commonly used anti-inflammatory …
Horses require basic nutrition elements in proper proportions and amounts. This article discuss the equine's basic dietary needs, giving you the information you …
Read about the many types of parasites that can affect your horse and learn how using the three "arms" of strategic deworming can be an answer to your parasite …
An effective equine vaccination program always begins with a discussion with your veterinarian and why the risk factors in your particular area of the country …
Minor injuries and illnesses in horses can turn into costly or catastrophic situations if not recognized and treated promptly. Read to learn the 5 principles of …
A band of tissue, usually white and fibrous, serving to connect bones and hold organs in place.
Over the years, researchers have thoroughly investigated the evolution of horses and determined that the way horses live in the wild can serve as a guide for …
Been there...Jumped that!
Author Unknown