What is a responsible horse breeder? This article thoughtfully addresses the topic in a non-judgemental and thought-provoking way. You owe it to yourself to …
Dramatic physical and mental changes occur in horses as they transition from playful colt or filly stage to the adolescent stage and on to becoming a stallion …
Participating in the parturition of your foal can be both exciting and nerve-racking. Being fully prepared both physically and mentally can help both you and …
Excitement is growing as your pregnant mare approaches her due date. While most equine births are uneventful, mare owner should prepare for some common post- …
Embryo transfer is the process of taking a fertilized embryo from a mare and transferring it to another mare. With this technology (somewhat controversial), a …
Video of donkey hoof trimming.
By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.
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