The average horse chews about 60,000 bites per day and lack of dental care can lead to number of problems, including colic and weight loss.
Treatment of clinically affected horses with 422Equine Viral Hepatitis relies primarily on supportive care and treatment of liver dysfunction.
Horses develop tumors, nodules, and swellings on their skin in winter as well as during warmer months making it important to check your horse's skin often.
Prebiotics, which are indigestible fibers that can stimulate growth and activity of certain beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, are often added to horse feed.
Limits exist as to what can be included on a horse feed tag and it’s important to understand what you can and cannot determine from the information presented.
Colic, a term used to describe abdominal pain in horses, is a leading cause of emergency veterinary calls and despite its prevalence, many myths and misconceptions about colic persist.
Researchers have demonstrated that seasonal changes have a strong influence on pregnancy and fetal development in mares and foals
Researchers have demonstrated that seasonal changes have a strong influence on pregnancy and fetal development in mares and foals.
A large body of research on the negative impact glyphosate has on overall well-being exists, so if your horse has health problems that cannot be resolved, his glyphosate intake may be the culprit.
By understanding the trigger of winter laminitis you can support your horse with simple measures to minimize cold stress and maintain normal blood flow to the feet.